The Best Exercise for Every Mood

The Best Exercise for Every Mood

There are as many reasons not to exercise as there are many ways to work up a sweat. Some of these reasons are practical, while some are not, but a lot of times, they are all in your head and have to do with how you're feeling. This shouldn't deter you from getting busy as there are a number of exercises for every mood that you can engage in. 

So, what should you do when your mood doesn't match the weather? A study in the Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology has found that there are exercises for various moods. In this article, we will be exploring the best exercises for every mood and how you can perform them. 

Exercise is good for the body and soul and can help improve your mood. The only thing needed is to find the one exercise that is best suited for your mood and use it to your advantage to improve your physical and mental health.

The Best Types of Exercises For Every Mood

The Best Type Of Exercise When You Are Sad

If you are feeling a little blue, there is no need to lie down and cover yourself with a duvet and cry your eyes out. Please don't fall for the little voices in your head that say it's okay to cry. Instead, it is better to use exercise to enhance your mood.

Engaging in exercise when you are sad is beneficial because it helps endorphins which are natural happy hormones, to be released, thereby making you feel better. Additionally, Because energy is expended when you work out, you get tired and will enjoy a quality night's sleep afterward. Having adequate and quality sleep will certainly make you feel lighter and better. 

Many exercises can brighten your sad day. One exercise that can be of help in this instance is swimming.

1. Swimming 

Swimming is ideal if you need some space to brood over some issues. Water has a relaxing and soothing nature, so when you immerse yourself in the pool and float around the water, you will feel relieved of sadness, and your face will brighten up.

The Best Type of Exercise When You Are Stressed And Anxious

Stress is a sad reality that many faces. In modern-day society, many factors contribute to stress build-up, like having a demanding job or traffic issues, especially in big cities. The American Institute of Stress reports that 120,000 people die yearly due to work-related stress. 

Stress is a slow killer. That's why we need to work out in such times. Some exercises relieve stress, especially aerobic exercises. Some of the examples of exercises you can engage in when stressed are.

1. Brisk walking

One of the simplest ways to get relief from stress is by walking. According to America's anxiety and depression association, a 10 minutes walk is enough to restore calm to a stressed person.

2. Jogging or Running

Running is not meant for athletes alone. You can jog during the weekends, either alone or in a group. When jogging or running, it's best to take a safe route that is less busy to prevent being knocked down by a motorist. If you decide to job at night, ensure that you wear appropriate reflective clothing or shoes to limit the possibility of an accident. 

3. Cycling 

Cycling is a good stress-relieving exercise that helps your joints and heart. Always wear protective gear like a helmet to prevent injuries when engaging in this kind of exercise.

4. Dancing

Dancing can be your favorite pastime, but you may not be aware that it relieves stress. When you dance to your favorite music, there is nothing as soothing to the soul and body. Dancing is a great way to reduce stress, and dancing with a group of people is even better.


The Best Type Of Exercise For When You Are Angry 

Imagine working hard on a project that has taken you a long time, energy, and money to complete, and just on the verge of completion, the project is canceled. This can leave you with nothing but rage. You have probably been in such an annoying situation in the past, and you wanted to vent it all out. 

Once in a while, issues like this pop up, and we can't control them; rather, we can seek ways to deal with our emotions. It's okay to feel angry but staying angry is not good for your health as it increases your stress level.

I bet you don't want to suffer health issues such as headaches as a result. This is because when angry, your jaws tighten, and you stiff your muscles. That's why the best thing you can do at that time is to work out. Activities such as boxing, brisk walking, weight lifting, skipping rope, and yoga can effectively reduce the tension that has built inside you.

1. Boxing 

I guess you have seen people in movies take out their anger on a punching bag, and you are thinking, what the heck is going on? In reality, boxing helps one to vent out anger. 

So when you are angry at everything and feel choked up with anger that built up within you, wear your boxing gloves and get it all out. When you are exhausted from throwing a few punches at the punching bag, you will be relieved from your anger.  

2. Skipping

How long has it been since you skipped a rope? One year, two years, or longer? Several people see skipping as a basic thing for children, but that is far from the truth.

Skipping is one exercise that will help you vent your anger, a remedy to ease off when upset. Concentrate on jumping the ropes without a miss and go faster if you must to get the satisfaction and relief you seek.

3. Yoga

Most times, when people think about exercises to manage or control their anger, they skip yoga. However, yoga is a good way to relieve the anger and frustration you might feel all day. 

Yoga is less likely to cause pain, unlike other strenuous exercises that require intense movements like running. This is because it focuses on breathing exercises that center around your mind and body. Practicing yoga during moments of anger helps you reflect inward, focus, and listen to your inner mind.

The Best Type Of Exercise When You Are Feeling Happy 

Happiness comes with this excitement around you that people notice. It's not something that you can easily hide. It makes your face glow brightly. That burst of energy comes as a result of your mood.

You'll feel satisfied and ready to take the world when you complete daily tasks, get a good recommendation, or get promoted at work. At such times you can engage in different exercises such as:

1. Running 

Before now, we know that running helps to improve cardiovascular health, build and tone muscles, and lose weight. This is generally good for our health, but are you aware that lacing your sneakers and hitting the road can also make you happier? Running releases endorphins in the brain that can make you joyful. 

2. Dancing

Have you ever danced to the music while cleaning and you felt good? Your guess is as good as mine. Some people express their happiness by dancing. You move your body to the rhythm of the song. Happiness is a mood; one exercise you can do while in this mood is dance.


We have seen in this article that there are different exercises for every mood you have. Circumstances of life can trigger mood swings, but it lies on you to turn it around and use it. Exercise has proven useful as a remedy for different health challenges. When next you have a mood challenge, you already know what to do about it instead of sulking away.

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